The Biggest Sales of The Year – The Best Days to Shop!
When you know the biggest sales of the year, you know the best days to shop. This is the information that helps arm you for staying within your budget, and grabbing the best deals. Get best price possible on those things you need and want during the biggest sales of the year! Be sure to check out What to Buy Each Month to see what the best deals are throughout the year, too! Now that you’ll know the best days to shop during the year, you’ll score BIG!
- PRESIDENTS DAY: 3rd Monday in February/celebrates our Presidents
Prepare for big sales on last year’s TV and electronics models. Home goods like furniture, appliances, and mattresses are also on sale. Keep your eyes out for jewelry, beauty, and clothing items that didn’t sell during Valentine’s Day to be marked WAY down for the weekend before Presidents Day, too.
- MEMORIAL DAY: last Monday in May/celebrates those who died fighting for our country
This celebratory weekend calls for GREAT sales! Again, mattresses are really popular, along with electronics. The cameras and computers you’ll find on sale might be last year’s models – but deal hunters can’t be picky, right? Athletic gear and clothing are also popular. But this is another one of those days where each retailer puts its own merchandise on sale – so pretty much everything is discounted! How do you know it’s a great deal? If you see it on SaveSpark – you know you’re getting the best deal out there!
- INDEPENDENCE DAY (4th of JULY): July 4th/celebrates America’s Independence/America’s birthday
If you can, wait until the 4th of July sales to score your grill! SERIOUS discounts will popup around the beginning of July to honor America’s birthday. This is also true for patio furniture, deep freezers, and A/C units. Outdoor and camping gear is also on sale. That includes outdoor toys, water and pool accessories, and summer sports items. Mattresses are on sale (yes, again) and you’ll save up to 60%!
- LABOR DAY: 1st Monday in September/celebrates Americas workers
Find AWESOME deals on back-to-school items, outdoor gear, and appliances. Retailers are paving the way and clearing a path for the NEW models to be sold during the holidays. That means you’ll get serious savings during the Labor Day sales on appliances. The same is true for cars, and travel tickets. It’s definitely one of the best days to shop online.
- COLUMBUS DAY: 2nd Monday in October/celebrates Christopher Columbus landing in the Americas in 1492
There’s no long weekend, no day off of school, and no cheat day at work. However, this day DOES have a lot in common with its sister days during the year- because of the awesome SALES! That entire weekend leading up to Columbus day, find amazing deals on shoes, handbags and accessories. Plus, get clothing like jeans and fall clothing, including boots and cold weather gear. Summer is over, which means the last of the summer items have to go to make way for the Christmas sale items! Plus, you’ll find something familiar on sale- mattresses!
- VETERANS DAY: November 11/celebrates America’s veterans
You don’t have to be a veteran to take advantage of the sales, for the most part! Retailers like to use this day to score some extra sale points with retailers – to give them a taste of what’s to come for the holidays! Clothing, home goods, appliances, mattresses and more are on sale! SaveSpark will post the best!
- BLACK FRIDAY: Friday after Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in November)/officially kicks off the holiday shopping season
We go over the serious details of Black Friday shopping in the What to Buy in November guide – so be sure to check that out! Two of the most popular stores to shop online during Black Friday are and because they offer crazy great discounts. These are absolutely the best days to shop online!
- CYBER MONDAY: Monday after Black Friday/created by retailers to offset Black Friday, and encourage people to shop online
Cyber Monday is no longer just one, single Monday out of the year. It’s more like 2 weeks worth of awesome deals, meshed with Black Friday. Don’t worry, SaveSpark will help you navigate those risky waters! Nearly every major retailer, and some boutiques, will offer Cyber Monday bargains. This means that just about everything you can think about will be on sale for about a week leading up to, and the week following Cyber Monday.